We are a creative arts publication based in Houston Texas USA. Our content is published online and in print. Rocketlight magazine focuses on mixed media art of professional and emerging quality. Our mission is to squelch the visual noise, enabling you to see less so you can see more. We accept photography, illustrated art, and written work.

If you are not the original owner you must obtain consent. As submitter you are responsible. Include your contributors. We are not responsible for misspelled names once submitted. Our publication is formatted to the standard US size 8.5 inches X 11 inches [Minimum of 260dpi 2550 pixels short edge].

If you have technical difficulties submitting on Kavyar.com you can email submit@rocketlightmag.com via traditional or third party platforms—Wetransfer, DropBox, or Google Drive.


Published once and digital use for one year with user credit. You reserve the right to contact us and rescind your image with the exception of publication. Typically, we publish once and place on social media for one month. You can contact us at info@rocketlightlab.com.
Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us the permission to use your work in the next publication for one issue use, and one year on websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements, and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of Rocketlight Magazine and Rocketlight Lab, LLC. All work will be given credit.

LEGAL [ You own your work ]
With respect to the submitted photograph(s), written work, and/or scan(s) of artwork [hereinafter, called work(s)], and titled (as above), and submitted for the publication, Rocketlight Magazine and Rocketlight Lab [hereinafter called Rocketlight], I declare that I, as artist or creator, hold the entire exclusive copyright of the material. I hereby transfer to Rocketlight an irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, distribute, or modify the work in its entirety or portions thereof for the purposes of publication and promotion in Rocketlight online, Rocketlight social media, and Rocketlight bimonthly print publication. I also declare that if any items within my submission are copyrighted, I have sought and received permission to use those items for this purpose.

I agree that my name, likeness and biographical material, including affiliations, may be used in connection with and promotion of the work(s). I hereby waive any right to any form of compensation, financial or otherwise, for the use of the work(s). I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any copy that is used in connection with the work(s) and release and discharge Rocketlight, its affiliates and licensees, of the work(s) for the purposes described above, including any claims for libel, invasion of privacy or breach of copyright. I understand it is my responsibility to seek consent from a parent or guardian in the event the subject/person in my work is under 18 years of age. I am 18 years of age or older. I have read the foregoing and fully understand its contents. 

By submitting to Rocketlight Magazine, you agree to the above terms and agreements.

© 2017 Rocketlight Lab, LLC

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